Planning Letters
The Planning Letters (PL) and Informational Letters (IL) are sorted by publication date. To view or download a PL or IL, you can search by year or search by planning/informational letter number. To search by a planning letter number e.g., 623, select “Any” as the year and enter the Planning Letter number using this format “PL-XXX” e.g., PL-623. To search by an Informational Letter, select “Any” as the year and enter the Informational Letter number using this format “IL-XX-XX-XXX” or “IL-XXX-XX-XX-XXX” e.g., IL-91-05-035.
The PL page does default to “Any”
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-630 | NPA 465 to Overlay NPA 347/718/917/929 (New York) |
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-629 | NPA 729 to Overlay 423 (Tennessee) – supersedes PL-619 |
PL-628 | Assigning from NPA 532 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-627 | NPA 471 to Overlay NPA 662 (Mississippi) |
PL-626 | NPA 483 to Overlay NPA 334 (Alabama) |
PL-625 | NPA 748 to Overlay NPA 970 (Colorado) |
PL-624 | NPA 357 to Overlay NPA 559 (California) |
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-623 | NPA 621 to Overlay NPA 281/346/713/832 (Texas) |
PL-622 | NPA 879 to Overlay NPA 709 (Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada) - supersedes PL-557 |
PL-621 | NPA 837 to Overlay NPA 530 (California) |
PL-620 | NPA 564 to Overlay NPA 206 (Washington) |
PL-619 | NPA 729 to Overlay NPA 423 (Tennessee) |
PL-618 | NPA 679 to Overlay NPA 313 (Michigan) |
PL-617 | NPA 457 to Overlay NPA 318 (Louisiana) |
PL-616 | NPA 924 to Overlay NPA 507 (Minnesota) |
PL-615 | Assignment of NPA 532 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-614 | NPA 738 to Overlay NPA 213/323 (California) |
PL-613 | NPA 942 to Overlay NPA 416/437/647 (Toronto, Ontario) |
PL-612 | NPA 257 to Overlay NPA 236/250/604/672/778 (British Columbia) |
PL-611 | Assignment of NPA 633 for Non-Geographic Services (Canada) |
PL-610 | NPA 436 to Overlay NPA 440 (Ohio) |
PL-609 | 710 Numbering Plan Area (NPA) for the U.S. Government |
PL-608 | NPA 686 to Overlay NPA 804 (Virginia) |
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-607 | NPA 624 to Overlay NPA 716 (New York) |
PL-606 | NPA 821 to Overlay NPA 864 (South Carolina) |
PL-605 | NPA 353 to Overlay NPA 608 (Wisconsin) |
PL-604 | NPA 327 to Overlay NPA 870 (Arkansas) – supersedes PL-587 |
PL-603 | NPA 227 to Overlay NPA 240/301 (Maryland) |
PL-602 | Assigning from NPA 529 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-601 | Assignment of NPA 529 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-600 | NPA 428 to Overlay NPA 506 (New Brunswick, Canada) - supersedes PL-553 |
PL-599 | NPA 369 to Overlay NPA 707 (California) |
PL-598 | NPA 324 to Overlay NPA 904 (Florida) |
PL-597 | NPA 975 to Overlay NPA 816 (Missouri) – supersedes PL-568 |
PL-596 | NPA 235 to Overlay NPA 573 (Missouri) |
PL-595 | NPA 730 to Overlay NPA 618 (Illinois) |
PL-594 | NPA 350 to Overlay NPA 209 (California) |
PL-593 | NPA 274 to Overlay NPA 920 (Wisconsin) – supersedes PL-586 |
PL-592 | NPA 584 to Overlay NPA 204/431 (Manitoba) - amending PL-584 |
PL-591 | NPA 329 to Overlay NPA 845 (New York) |
PL-590 | NPA 354 to Overlay NPA 450/579 (area surrounding Montréal, Québec, Canada) - amending PL-589 |
PL-589 | NPA 354 to Overlay NPA 450/579 (area surrounding Montréal, Québec, Canada) - amending PL-573 |
PL-588 | NPA 645 to Overlay NPA 305/786 (Florida) |
PL-587 | NPA 327 to Overlay NPA 870 (Arkansas) |
PL-586 | NPA 274 to Overlay NPA 920 (Wisconsin) |
PL-585 | Assigning from NPA 528 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-584 | NPA 584 to Overlay NPA 204/431 (Manitoba) |
PL-583 | NPA 382 to Overlay NPA 226/519/548 (southwestern Ontario) |
PL-582 | NPA 728 to Overlay NPA 561 (Florida) |
PL-581 | NPA 363 to Overlay NPA 516 (New York) |
PL-580 | Assignment of NPA 528 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-579 | NPA 283 to Overlay NPA 513 (Ohio) |
PL-578 | NPA 835 to Overlay NPA 484/610 (Pennsylvania) |
PL-577 | NPA 861 to Overlay NPA 309 (Illinois) |
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-576 | NPA 480, 602 and 623 Boundary Elimination Overlay (Arizona) |
PL-575 | NPA 468 to Overlay NPA 819/873 (western Quebec) |
PL-574 | NPA 343/613 (eastern Ontario) – amending PL-571 |
PL-573 | NPA 354 to Overlay NPA 450/579 (area surrounding Montréal, Québec, Canada) |
PL-572 | NPA 263 to Overlay NPA 438/514 (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) |
PL-571 | NPA 753 to Overlay NPA 343/613 (eastern Ontario) |
PL-570 | NPA 683 to Overlay NPA 249/705 (central and northeastern Ontario) |
PL-569 | NPA 472 to Overlay NPA 910 (North Carolina) – supersedes PL-565 |
PL-568 | NPA 975 to Overlay NPA 816 (Missouri) |
PL-567 | NPA 557 to Overlay NPA 314 (Missouri) |
PL-566 | Assigning from NPA 527 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-565 | NPA 472 to Overlay NPA 910 (North Carolina) |
PL-564 | Assignment of NPA 527 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-563 | NPA 983 to Overlay NPA 303/720 (Colorado) |
PL-562 | NPA 464 to Overlay NPA 708 (Illinois) |
PL-561 | NPA 742 to Overlay NPA 289/365/905 (Southern Ontario, Canada) – supersedes PL-550 |
PL-560 | NPA 368 to Overlay NPAs 403/587/780/825 (Alberta, Canada) Deferred – supersedes PL-531 |
PL-559 | NPA 943 to Overlay NPA 404/470/678/770 (Georgia) supersedes PL-555 |
PL-558 | Assigning from NPA 526 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-557 | NPA 879 overlay on NPA 709 (Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada) Indefinitely Deferred – supersedes PL-503, PL-514 and PL-521. |
PL-556 | Transition to 10-digit dialing (for 988 as 3-digit access to National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) – supersedes PL-544 |
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-555 | Assignment of 943 to overlay 404/470/678/770 (Georgia) |
PL-554 | Assignment of NPA 526 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-553 | NPA 428 to Overlay NPA 506 (New Brunswick, Canada) supersedes PL549 |
PL-552 | NPA 656 to Overlay 813 (Florida) supersedes PL541 |
PL-551 | NPA 448 to Overlay 850 (Florida) supersedes PL534 |
PL-550 | NPA 742 overlay on NPA 289/365/905 (Southern Ontario) |
PL-549 | NPA 428 to Overlay NPA 506 (New Brunswick, Canada) |
PL-548 | NANPA Planning Letter 548, 800-855 number management |
PL-547 | NPA 202 and 771 All-Services Ovelray (District of Columbia) |
PL-546 | 757 and 948 All-Services Overlay (Virginia) – amending PL536 |
PL-545 | NPA 540 and 826 All-Services Overlay (Virginia) |
PL-544 | Transition to 10-digit dialing (for 988 as 3-digit access to National Suicide Prevention Hotline |
PL-543 | NPA 582 to Overlay 814 (Pennsylvania) supersedes PL540 |
PL-542 | Assigning from NPA 525 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-541 | NPA 656 to Overlay NPA 813 (Florida) |
PL-540 | NPA 582 to Overlay NPA 814 (Pennsylvania) |
PL-539 | NPA 428 to Overlay NPA 506 (New Brunswick, Canada) |
PL-538 | Assignment of NPA 525 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-537 | NPA 945 to Overlay 214/469/972 (Texas) |
PL-536 | NPA 948 to Overlay 757 (Virginia) |
PL-535 | NPA 572 to Overlay NPA 405 (Oklahoma) |