Planning Letters
The Planning Letters (PL) and Informational Letters (IL) are sorted by publication date. To view or download a PL or IL, you can search by year or search by planning/informational letter number. To search by a planning letter number e.g., 623, select “Any” as the year and enter the Planning Letter number using this format “PL-XXX” e.g., PL-623. To search by an Informational Letter, select “Any” as the year and enter the Informational Letter number using this format “IL-XX-XX-XXX” or “IL-XXX-XX-XX-XXX” e.g., IL-91-05-035.
The PL page does default to “Any”
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-230 | Suspension of 619 / 935 NPA Split (California) |
PL-229 | NPA 980 To Overlay NPA 704 (North Carolina) |
PL-228 | 515 NPA Split, Creating New 641 NPA (Iowa) |
PL-227 | Suspension of Relief in the 248, 313 and 734 NPAs (Michigan) |
PL-226 | Suspension of Relief in the 517 NPA (Michigan) |
PL-225 | Extraordinary NPA-Specific Jeopardy Conservation Procedures Announced for the 541 NPA (Oregon) |
PL-224 | Extraordinary NPA-Specific Jeopardy Conservation Procedures Announced for the 901 NPA (Tennessee) |
PL-223 | Extraordinary NPA-Specific Jeopardy Conservation Procedures Announced for the 678 NPA (Georgia) |
PL-222 | NPA 878 to Overlay NPAs 412 and 724 (Pennsylvania) |
PL-221 | Suspension of Code Assignments in the 586 NPA Michigan |
PL-220 | Introduction of Interchangeable Central Office Codes in the 808 NPA (Hawaii) |
PL-219 | NPA 682 to Overlay NPA 817 (Texas) |
PL-218 | NPA 647 To Overlay NPA 416 (Southern Ontario) |
PL-217 | NPA 475 To Overlay NPA 203; NPA 959 To Overlay NPA 860 (Connecticut) |
PL-216 | Permissive Dialing Extended for Eleven Central Office Codes in the 602 NPA (Arizona) |
PL-215 | 909/951 NPA Split Suspended Temporarily (California) |
PL-214 | NPA Codes 844, 833, 822 Assigned for Toll Free Service |
PL-213 | NPA 234 to Overlay NPA 330 (Ohio) |
PL-212R | 517 NPA Split, Creating 989 NPA (Michigan) |
PL-211 | 914 NPA Split, Creating 845 NPA (New York) |
PL-210 | 707 NPA Splits, Creating 369 and 627 NPAs (California) |
PL-209 | NPA 947 to Overlay NPA 248 / NPA 679 to Overlay NPA 313 / NPA 278 to Overlay NPA 734 (Michigan) |
PL-208 | Extraordinary NPA - Specific Jeopardy Conservation Procedures Announced for the 787 NPA (Puerto Rico) |
PL-207 | Extraordinary NPA - Specific Jeopardy Conservation Procedures Announced for the 540 NPA (Virginia) |
PL-206 | Overlays Suspended in the 408, 415, 510, 650, 714 & 909 NPAs |
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-205 | 606 NPA Split, Creating 859 NPA - Kentucky |
PL-204 | NPA 980 to Overlay NPA 704 (North Carolina) |
PL-203 | Permissive Dialing Extended for the 503 / 971 Concentrated Overlay (Oregon) |
PL-202 | 912 NPA split, Creating 229 and 478 NPAs - Georgia |
PL-201 | 409 NPA split, Creating 936 and 979 NPAs - Texas |
PL-200 | 612 NPA split, Creating 763 and 952 (Minnesota) |
PL-199 | Extraordinary NPA-Specific Jeopardy Conservation Procedures Announced for 484 and 610 NPAs (Pennsylvannia) |
PL-198 | Extraordinary NPA-Specific Jeopardy Conservation Procedures Announced for 412 NPA (Pennsylvannia) |
PL-197 | Assignment of NPA codes 866 and 855 for Toll-Free Service |
PL-196 | NANP- Overlay of 360 Numbering Plan Area (NPA) with 564 NPA (Washington) |
PL-195 | NPA 872 to Overlay NPAs 312 and 773 (Illinois) |
PL-194 | NANP- Split of 760 Numbering Plan Area (NPA) with 442 NPA - California |
PL-193 | NANP- Overlay of 650 Numbering Plan Area (NPA) with 764 NPA - California |
PL-192 | NANP - Overlay of 810 Numbering Plan Area (NPA) with 586 NPA - Michigan |
PL-191 | NANP- Overlay of 415 Numbering Plan Area (NPA) with 628 NPA - California |
PL-190 | NANP- Overlay of 510 Numbering Plan Area (NPA) with 341 NPA - California |
PL-189 | NANP- Split of 909 Numbering Plan Area (NPA) with 951 NPA and subsequent Overlay of 909 Numbering Plan Area (NPA) with 752 NPA - California |
PL-188 | NANP-Split of 318 Numbering Plan Area (NPA) in Louisiana; introduction of NPA 337 |
PL-187 | Urgent Reminder: Mandatory dialing for the Louisiana 225/504 Wireless Codes |
PL-186 | Extraordinary NPA-Specific Jeopardy Conservation Procedures Announced for 817 NPA (Texas) |
PL-185 | Overlay of 718 (New York) Numbering Plan Area (NPA); New NPA 347 |
PL-184 | Geographic Split of 516 (New York) Numbering Plan Area (NPA); addition of 631 NPA |
PL-183 | Geographic Split of 423 (Tennessee) Numbering Plan Area (NPA); addition of 865 NPA |
PL-182 | Concentrated Overlay of 503 (Oregon) NPA with 971 NPA |
PL-181 | Urgent reminder to update networks for the 602 NPA Split in Phoenix, Arizona with the new 623 and 480 NPAs |
PL-180 | Geographic Split of 941 (Florida) Numbering Plan Area (NPA); addition of 863 NPA |
PL-179 | Extraordinary NPA-Specific Jeopardy Conservation Procedures Announced for 704 NPA (North Carolina) |
PL-178 | Extraordinary NPA-Specific Jeopardy Conservation Procedures Announced for 810 NPA (Michigan) |
PL-177 | Overlay of 703 (Virginia) Numbering Plan Area (NPA) |
PL-176 | Urgent reminder to Industry to update networks for the 403 NPA Split in Alberta, Canada with new 780 NPA |
PL-175 | Overlay of 212 (New York) Numbering Plan Area (NPA) |
PL-174 | Geographic Split of 414 (Wisconsin) Numbering Plan Area (NPA); addition of 262 NPA |
PL-173 | Geographic Split of 609 (New Jersey) Numbering Plan (NPA); addition of 856 NPA |
PL-172 | 710 Numbering Plan Area (NPA) for the U.S. Government |
PL-171 | Extraordinary NPA-Specific Jeopardy Conservation Procedures Announced for 561 NPA (Florida) |
PL-170 | Extraordinary NPA-Specific Jeopardy Conservation Procedures Announced for 954 NPA (Florida) |
PL-169 | NANP Overlay of 714 NPA with 657 NPA in Southern California |
PL-168 | NANP Split Boundary Extension Concentrated Overlay of 407 (Florida) NPA with 321 NPA |
PL-167 | Geographic Split of 616 (Michigan) Numbering Plan Area (NPA) |
PL-166 | Geographic Split of 601 (Mississippi) Numbering Plan Area (NPA) |
PL-165 | Geographic Split of 314 (Missouri) Numbering Plan Area (NPA) |
PL-164 | Update of Jeopardy Procedures for Numbering Plan Area (NPA) 314 in Missouri; this notice updates PL-147 |
PL-163 | Extraordinary NPA-Specific Jeopardy Conservation Procedures Announced for 603 NPA (New Hampshire) |
PL-162 | Extraordinary NPA-Specific Jeopardy Conservation Procedures Announced for 716 NPA (New York) |
PL-161 | Reminder of July 1, 1999 date for the Introduction of the 469 NPA for Dallas, Texas to overlay existing 214/972 NPAs; Please refer to PL-142 |
PL-160 | Extraordinary NPA-Specific Jeopardy Conservation Procedures Announced for 760 NPA (California) |
PL-159 | Extraordinary NPA-Specific Jeopardy Conservation Procedures Announced for 707 NPA (California) |
PL-158 | Update of Jeopardy Procedures for Numbering Plan Area (NPA) 512 in Texas; this notice updates PL-099 |
PL-157 | No Mandatory date set for 1 +10 digit dialing in Chicago NPA 847/224 Overlay; update to PL-127 |
PL-156 | Mandatory dialing for the Louisiana 225/504 Wireless Codes; update to PL-123 |
PL-155 | NANP-Split of 502 Numbering Plan Area (NPA) in Kentucky |
PL-154 | NANP - Split of 512 (Texas) Numbering Plan Area (NPA) |
PL-153 | NANP-Split of the 602 (Arizona) Numbering Plan Area (NPA) and the Addition of the 480 and 623 NPA's |
PL-152 | Jeopardy Conservation Procedures Announced for Arizona NPA 602 |
PL-151 | Jeopardy Conservation Procedures Announced for New Jersey NPA 973 |
PL-150 | Jeopardy Conservation Procedures Announced for New Jersey NPA 732 |
PL-149 | NANP- Overlay of 408 Numbering Plan Area (NPA) with 669 NPA - California |
PL-148 | Reissue of the 403 NPA Split in Alberta, Canada, to add new Test Numbers, NXX listing, and Permissive Dialing Dates (first issued in PL-084 on September 2, 1998.) |
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-147 | Jeopardy Declared for 314 in Missouri |
PL-146 | Introduction of Interchangeable Central Office Codes in Nebraska |
PL-145 | Extraordinary NPA-Specific Jeopardy Conservation Procedures Announced for Wisconsin NPA 414 |
PL-144 | Extraordinary NPA-Specific Conservation Procedures for 403 NPA in Alberta |
PL-143 | Elimination of 713/281 (Houston, TX) Split Line and Introduction of Overlay NPA 832 |
PL-142 | Elimination of 214/972 Split Line and Introduction of 469 Overlay for Dallas, Texas |
PL-141 | Jeopardy Conservation Procedures Announced for Louisiana NPA 504 and Reminder of the Extended Mandatory Date of 8/16/99 for Cellular Service |
PL-140 | Jeopardy Conservation Procedures Announced for Kentucky NPA 502 |
PL-139 | Automatic Number Identification Digits (ANI II) for Pay Phone Compensation |
PL-138 | Extraordinary NPA-Specific Jeopardy Conservation Procedures Announced for Connecticut NPAs 203 & 860 |
PL-137 | Extraordinary Jeopardy Procedures for 714 NPA in California |
PL-136 | NANP-Split of 717 (Pennsylvania) Numbering Plan Area (NPA) |
PL-135 | NANP-Overlay of 610 (Pennsylvania) Numbering Plan Area (NPA) with 484 NPA |
PL-134 | NANP-Overlay of 215 (Pennsylvania) Numbering Plan Area (NPA) with 267 NPA |
PL-133 | Reminder notification for Numbering Plan Area (NPA) 813 (Florida) Permissive dialing beginning July 1, 1998 |
PL-132 | Extraordinary Jeopardy Procedures for 616 NPA in Michigan |
PL-131 | Extraordinary Jeopardy Procedures for 601 NPA in Mississippi |