Planning Letters
The Planning Letters (PL) and Informational Letters (IL) are sorted by publication date. To view or download a PL or IL, you can search by year or search by planning/informational letter number. To search by a planning letter number e.g., 623, select “Any” as the year and enter the Planning Letter number using this format “PL-XXX” e.g., PL-623. To search by an Informational Letter, select “Any” as the year and enter the Informational Letter number using this format “IL-XX-XX-XXX” or “IL-XXX-XX-XX-XXX” e.g., IL-91-05-035.
The PL page does default to “Any”
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-429 | Updated Information - Introduction of NPA 721 (Sint Maarten) |
PL-428 | NPA 236 to Overlay NPA 250/604/778 (British Columbia, Canada) |
PL-427 | NPA Code 667 to Overlay NPA Code 410/443 (Maryland) |
PL-426 | NPA 437 to Overlay NPA 416/647 (Toronto, Canada) |
PL-425 | NPA Code 873 to Overlay NPA Code 819 (Western Quebec, Canada) |
PL-424 | Assignment of NPA 566 for Personal Communications Services (PCS) |
PL-423 | Updated Information - Introduction of NPA 721 (Sint Maarten) |
PL-422 | NPA 984 to Overlay NPA 919 (North Carolina) |
PL-421 | NPA 415, 619, 650, 707 - Relief Plans Dismissed (California) |
PL-420 | NPA 365 to Overlay NPA 289/905 (Southern Ontario, Canada) |
PL-419 | NPA 431 to Overlay NPA 204 (Manitoba, Canada) |
PL-418 | Introduction of NPA 721 (Sint Maarten) |
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-417 | NPA 274 to Overlay NPA 920 (Wisconsin) |
PL-416 | Assignment of NPA 544 for Personal Communications Services (PCS) |
PL-415 | NPA 270 (Kentucky) - 2-way Split, Creating 364 NPA - Relief Plan Cancelled |
PL-414 | NPA 249 to Overlay NPA 705 (Ontario, Canada) |
PL-413 | NPA 510 (California) - Relief Plan Dismissed |
PL-412 | Implementation of the NPA 855 for Toll Free Services |
PL-411 | Assignment of NPA 544 for Personal Communications Services (PCS) |
PL-410 | NPA 531 to Overlay NPA 402 (Nebraska) |
PL-409 | NPA 272 to Overlay NPA 570 (Pennsylvania) |
PL-408 | NPA 270 Split, Creating NPA 364 (Kentucky) - Start of Permissive Dialing Suspended |
PL-407R1 | Implementation of the NPA 855 for Toll Free Services |
PL-406 | Assignment of NPA 544 for Personal Communications Services (PCS) |
PL-405 | NPA 873 to Overlay NPA Code 819 (Western Québec, Canada) |
PL-404 | Introduction on NPA 721 (Sint Maarten, Netherlands Antilles |
PL-403 | NPA 539 to Overlay NPA 918 (Oklahoma) |
PL-402 | NPA 929 to Overlay NPA 718/347 (New York) |
PL-401 | NPA 579 to Overlay NPA 450 (Québec, Canada) |
PL-400 | NPA 327 to Overlay NPA 870 (Arkansas) |
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-399 | Assignment of NPA 533 for Personal Communications Services (PCS) |
PL-398R1 | NPA 249 to Overlay NPA 705 (Ontario, Canada) |
PL-397 | NPA 531 to Overlay NPA 402 (Nebraska) |
PL-396 | Introduction of NPA 721 (Sint Maarten, Netherlands, Antilles) |
PL-395 | NPA 579 to Overlay NPA 450 (Québec, Canada) |
PL-394 | Assignment of NPA 533 for Personal Communications Services (PCS) |
PL-393 | NPA 531 to Overlay NPA 402 (Nebraska) |
PL-392 | NPA 872 to Overlay NPA 312 and 773 (Illinois) |
PL-391 | NPA 270 Split, Creating NPA 364 (Kentucky) - Change Start of Permissive Dialing |
PL-390 | NPA 872 to Overlay NPA 312 and 773 (Illinois) |
PL-389 | NPA 938 to Overlay NPA 256 (Alabama) |
PL-388 | NPA 475 to Overlay NPA 203; NPA 860 10-digit dialing (Connecticut) |
PL-387R1 | NPA 849 to Overlay NPAs 809 and 829 (Dominican Republic) |
PL-386 | NPA 343 to Overlay NPA 613 (Eastern Ontario, Canada) |
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-385 | NPA 274 to Overlay NPA 920 (Wisconsin) |
PL-384 | NPA 534 to Overlay NPA 715 (Wisconsin) |
PL-383 | NPA 458 to Overlay NPA 541 (Oregon) |
PL-382 | Assignment of NPA 533 for Personal Communications Services (PCS) |
PL-381 | NPA 442 to Overlay NPA 760 (California) |
PL-380 | Reminder to update networks with the new 575 NPA for the 505 NPA Split in New Mexico |
PL-379 | Assignment of NPA 533 for Personal Communications Services (PCS) |
PL-378 | NPA 747 to Overlay NPA 818 (California) |
PL-377 | NPA 760 Split, Creating NPA 442 (California) |
PL-376 | NPA 270 Split, Creating NPA 364 (Kentucky) - Change Start of Permissive Dialing |
PL-375 | NPA 681 to Overlay NPA 304 (West Virginia) |
PL-374 | NPA 587 to Overlay NPA 403 and NPA 780 (Alberta, Canada) |
PL-373R1 | NPA 581 to Overlay NPA 418 (Quebec, Canada) |
PL-372 | Assignment of NPA 533 for Personal Communications Services (PCS) |
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-371 | NPA 270 Split, Creating NPA 364 (Kentucky) - Change Start of Permissive Dialing |
PL-370 | NPA 540 (Virginia) Order of Dismissal |
PL-369 | NPA 587 to Overlay NPAs 403 and 780 (Alberta, Canada) |
PL-368 | NPA 657 to Overlay NPA 714 (California) |
PL-367 | NPA 581 to Overlay NPA 418 (Quebec, Canada) |
PL-366 | NPA 385 to Overlay NPA 801 (Utah) |
PL-365 | NPA 270 Split, Creating NPA 364 (Kentucky) |
PL-364 | NPA 587 to Overlay NPAs 403 and 780 (Alberta, Canada) |
PL-363 | NPA 385 to Overlay NPA 801 (Utah) |
PL-362 | NPA 331 to Overlay NPA 630 (Illinois) |
PL-361 | Relief for British Columbia 250 Area Code and NPA 778 Boundary Change |
PL-360 | Louisiana 504/985 RCC and NPA Boundary Realignment |
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-359 | Expansion of Concentrated NPA 971 Overlay with NPA 503 (Oregon) |
PL-358 | NPA 505 Split, Creating NPA 575 (New Mexico) |
PL-357 | NPA 331 to Overlay NPA 630 (Illinois) |
PL-356 | NPA 762 to Overlay NPA 706 Extended Permissive (Georgia) |
PL-355 | NPA 613 & NPA 819 Relief Phase One (Dial Plan Change) |
PL-354 | NPA 779 to Overlay NPA 815 (Illinois) |
PL-353 | NPA 762 to Overlay NPA 706 Extended Permissive (Georgia) |
PL-352 | NPA 762 to Overlay NPA 706 Extended Permissive (Georgia) |
PL-351 | NPA 762 to Overlay NPA 706 Extended Permissive (Georgia) |
PL-350 | NPA 226 to Overlay NPA 519 (Southwestern Ontario, Canada) |
PL-349 | NPA 438 to Overlay NPA 514 (Montreal Urban Area) |
PL-348 | NPA 762 to Overlay NPA 706 Extended Permissive (Georgia) |
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-347 | NPA 424 to Overlay NPA 310 (California) |
PL-346 | NPA 762 to Overlay NPA 706 (Georgia) |
PL-345 | Change of Test Number 809/829 Overlay (Dominican Republic) |
PL-344 | PA 835 Implementation for 484/610 NPA Rescinded - 835 NPA Code Reclaimed |
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-343 | Supersedes Planning Letter 342 - NPA 226 to Overlay NPA 519 (Southwestern Ontario, Canada) |
PL-342 | NPA 226 to Overlay NPA 519 (Southwestern Ontario, Canada) |
PL-341 | NPA 438 to Overlay NPA 514 (Montreal Urban Area) |
PL-340 | NPA 613 & NPA 819 Relief Phase One (Dial Plan Change) |
PL-339 | CA 909/951 NPA Split-Reminder Planning Letter |
PL-338 | NPA 829 to Overlay NPA 809 (Dominican Republic) |
PL-337 | Utah 801-385 Split Suspended |
PL-336 | New York 716 NPA Split - Wireless Extended Permissive Dialing Ends |
PL-335 | NPA 769 to Overlay NPA 601 (Mississippi) |
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-334 | 909 NPA; 2-way Split, Creating 951 NPA California |
PL-333 | NPA 438 To Overlay NPA 514 (Montréal Urban Area) |
PL-332 | PA 445 Implementation for 215/267 NPA Rescinded - 445 NPA Code Reclaimed |
PL-331 | Recovery of NPA Codes 880, 881, 882 (Paid Toll-Free Service) Scheduled for April 1, 2004 |
PL-330 | Introduction of NPA 684 (American Samoa) |