Pseudo-Automatic Number Identification (p-ANI)
A p-ANI is a 10-digit number used for the purpose of routing an E911 call to a Public Service Answering Point (PSAP).
NANPA assigns non-dialable p-ANIs out of the 211 NXX and 511 NXX on a national basis including Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands to eligible users of p-ANI resources per ATIS-0300089, P-ANI Administration Guidelines developed by the ATIS-sponsored Industry Numbering Committee (INC) and regulatory directives.
An eligible user is defined as an entity that:
- Demonstrates that it is permitted under applicable law to access p-ANI resources in the area for which the p-ANI resources are sought;
- Has received approval from the 9-1-1 governing authority to route E9-1-1 traffic for termination to a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP);
- Has been assigned a valid Operating Company Number (OCN);
- Has been assigned a valid NENA Company Identifier (ID) 1; and
- Self-certifies that it will provide the technical and functional capability to route traffic or provide routing instructions to enable emergency call delivery to a PSAP.
To assist eligible users new to the process of obtaining p-ANIs, refer to this document with tips to get started.
NAS user guides and templates may be found under Resources.