Planning Letters
The Planning Letters (PL) and Informational Letters (IL) are sorted by publication date. To view or download a PL or IL, you can search by year or search by planning/informational letter number. To search by a planning letter number e.g., 623, select “Any” as the year and enter the Planning Letter number using this format “PL-XXX” e.g., PL-623. To search by an Informational Letter, select “Any” as the year and enter the Informational Letter number using this format “IL-XX-XX-XXX” or “IL-XXX-XX-XX-XXX” e.g., IL-91-05-035.
The PL page does default to “Any”
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-529 | NPA 840 to Overlay 909 (California) |
PL-528 | Assigning from NPA 524 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-527 | Assignment of NPA 524 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-526 | NPA 354 to Overlay 450/579 (Area served by Montreal, Quebec, Canada) |
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-525 | NPA 658 to Overlay NPA 876 (Jamaica) – Permissive Dialing Date Change |
PL-524 | Assignment of NPA 523 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-523 | NPA 659 to Overlay NPA 205 (Alabama) |
PL-522 | NPA 428 to Overlay NPA 506 (New Brunswick, Canada) |
PL-521 | NPA 879 to Overlay NPA 709 (New Foundland & Labrador, Canada) |
PL-520 | NPA 839 to Overlay NPA 803 (South Carolina) |
PL-519 | NPA 689 to Overlay 407 and 321 NPAs (Florida) |
PL-518 | NPA 341 to Overlay 510 (California) |
PL-517 | NPA 326 to Overlay NPA 937 (Ohio) |
PL-516 | Assignment of NPA 523 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-515 | NPA 672 to Overlay NPA 236/250/604/778 (British Columbia, Canada) |
PL-514 | NPA 879 to Overlay NPA 709 (Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada) |
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-513 | Sunset of the Inbound International NPA (INT/NPA/NXX) Assignment Guidelines. |
PL-512 | NPA 367 to Overlay NPA 418/581 (eastern Quebec, Canada). |
PL-511 | Assignment of NPA 521 for Non-Geographic Services. |
PL-510 | NPA 658 to Overlay NPA 876 (Jamaica). |
PL-509 | NPA 820 to Overlay NPA 805 (California) |
PL-508 | NPA 640 to Overlay NPA 609 (New Jersey) |
PL-507 | NPA 619 and 858 Boundary Elimination Overlay (California) |
PL-506 | Implementation of the 833 NPA for Toll-Free Services |
PL-505 | Assignment of NPA 521 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-504 | NPA 367 to Overlay NPA 418/581 (Eastern Quebec, Canada) |
PL-503 | NPA 879 to Overlay NPA 709 (Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada) |
PL-502 | NPA 279 to Overlay NPA 916 (California) |
PL-501 | NPA 223 to Overlay NPA 717 (Pennsylvania) |
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-500 | NPA 223 to Overlay NPA 717 (Pennsylvania) |
PL-499 | NPA 445 to Overlay NPAs 215/267 (Pennsylvania) |
PL-498 | Sunset of the 555 NXX Resource |
PL-497 | NPA 838 to Overlay NPA 518 (New York) |
PL-496 | NPA 463 to Overlay NPA 317 (Indiana) |
PL-495 | NPA 726 to Overlay NPA 210 (Texas) |
PL-494 | NPA 213 and 323 Boundary Elimination Overlay (California) |
PL-493 | Assignment of NPA 522 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-492 | NPA 564 to Overlay NPA 360 (Washington) |
PL-491 | Assignment of NPA 522 for Non-Geographic Services |
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-490 | NPA 986 to Overlay NPA 208 (Idaho) |
PL-489 | NPA 332 to Overlay NPAs 212/646/917 (New York) |
PL-488 | NPA 825 to Overlay NPAs 403/587/780 (Alberta Canada) |
PL-487 | Assignment of NPA 588 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-486 | Assignment of NPA 588 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-485 | NPA 680 to Overlay NPA 315 (New York) |
PL-484 | Assignment of NPA 622 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-483 | Moratorium on 555 Line Number Assignments and Requirement to Provide Information on Current 555 Assignments |
PL-482 | NPA 463 to Overlay NPA 317 (Indiana) |
PL-481 | Implementation of the NPA 833 for Toll-Free Services |
PL-480 | NPA 825 to Overlay NPAs 403/587/780 (Alberta Canada) |
PL-479 | Assignment of NPA 588 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-478 | Assignment of NPA 622 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-477 | NPA 380 to Overlay NPA 614 (Ohio) |
PL-476R1 | NPA 934 to Overlay NPA 631 (New York) |
PL-475 | NPA 743 to Overlay NPA 336 (North Carolina) |
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-474 | NPA 854 to Overlay NPA 843 (South Carolina) |
PL-473 | NPA 825 to Overlay NPAs 403/587/780 (Alberta Canada) |
PL-472 | NPA 548 to Overlay NPA 226/519 (Southwestern Ontario, Canada) |
PL-471 | NPA 220 to Overlay NPA 740 (Ohio) |
PL-470 | NPA 930 to Overlay NPA 812 (Indiana) |
PL-469 | NPA 743 to Overlay NPA 336 (North Carolina) |
PL-468 | Expansion of the Concentrated NPA 786 Overlay with NPA 305 (Florida) |
PL-467 | NPA 548 to Overlay NPA 226/519 (Southwestern Ontario, Canada) |
PL-466 | Assignment of NPA 577 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-465 | 710 Numbering Plan Area (NPA) for the U.S. Government |
PL-464 | Assignment of NPA 577 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-463 | NPA 854 to Overlay NPA 843 (South Carolina) |
PL-462 | NPA 220 to Overlay NPA 740 (Ohio) |
PL-461 | NPA 628 to Overlay NPA 415 (California) |
PL-460R1 | NPA 782 to Overlay NPA 902 (Nova Scotia/Prince Edward Island, Canada) |
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-459 | NPA 629 to Overlay NPA 615 (Tennessee) |
PL-458 | Assignment of NPA 577 for Non-Geographic Services |
PL-457 | NPA 930 to Overlay NPA 812 (Indiana) |
PL-456 | NPA 959 to Overlay NPA 860 (Connecticut) |
PL-455 | Implementation of the 844 NPA for Toll-Free Services |
PL-454 | NPA 782 to Overlay NPA 902 (Nova Scotia/Prince Edward Island, Canada) |
PL-453 | NPA 346 to Overlay NPAs 281/713/832 (Texas) |
PL-452 | Implementation of the 844 NPA for Toll-Free Services |
PL-451 | NPA 272 to Overlay NPA 570 (Pennsylvania) |
PL-450 | NPA 236 to Overlay NPA 250/604/778 (British Columbia, Canada) |
PL-449 | NPA 364 to Overlay NPA 270 (Kentucky) |
PL-448 | NPA 365 to Overlay NPA 289/905 (Southern Ontario, Canada) |
PL-447 | NPA 437 to Overlay NPA 416/647 (Toronto, Canada) |
PL-446 | NPA 639 to Overlay NPA 306 (Saskatchewan, Canada) |
Year | Number | Subject |
PL-445 | NPA 725 to Overlay NPA 702 (Nevada) |
PL-444 | NPA 272 to Overlay NPA 570 (Pennsylvania) |
PL-443 | Implementation of the NPA 844 for Toll-Free Services |
PL-442 | NPA 274 to Overlay NPA 920 (Wisconsin) |
PL-441 | NPA 437 to Overlay NPA 416/647 (Toronto, Canada) |
PL-440R1 | NPA 365 to Overlay NPA 289/905 (Southern Ontario, Canada) |
PL-439 | NPA 639 to Overlay NPA 306 (Saskatchewan, Canada) |
PL-438 | NPA 737 to Overlay NPA 512 (Texas) |
PL-437 | Suspension of 870/327 NPA Relief (Arkansas) |
PL-436 | Assignment of NPA 566 for Personal Communications Services (PCS) |
PL-435 | NPA 431 to Overlay NPA 204 (Manitoba, Canada) |
PL-434 | Introduction on NPA 721 (Sint Maarten) |
PL-433 | NPA 431 to Overlay NPA 204 (Manitoba, Canada) |